“Innovations and Best Practices” Innovative paths for Industry 4.0

After the great success for the participation in the final event “InnovAzioni“, organized by the Innovative Services Section of Confindustria Chieti Pescara, the Brochesia team continues the path with the participation in the eleventh edition of the “Best Practices for Innovation Award“, 12th and 13th December 2017 at Salerno.

The event, now in its eleventh edition, at the initiative of the Confindustria Salerno Innovative and Technological Services Group, aims to spread the “culture” of innovation and promote the usefulness of innovative processes to the public and private market. through the presentation of real cases of innovation carried out by companies in the Services sector.

During these two days Brochesia will present cases of success in various areas, such as Industrial (B View), medical (B Med), civil buildings (B Safe) and public and private security (B Guard), communicating the added value made in the business realities of customers at a technological level. In fact, innovation is inherent in every form of change, especially in terms of process, organization, methodologies and socio-economic approach.

Rimani aggiornato sulle novità Brochesia

* Campi obbligatori