8 May 2023

Sustainability Waves: Brochesia for sustainability

sustainability waves

In the last article we explored the difficult situation of climate change underway. A problem that has always pushed us to implement our solutions, in order to promote sustainable collaboration. That’s why we are very happy to have taken part in Sustainability Waves, the Cariplo Factory report on companies committed to sustainable innovation.

Sustainability Waves aims to collect the testimonies and innovations of Italian startups and companies at the forefront of promoting sustainability. The report followed the ESG criteria, i.e. Environmental, Social, Governance.
Evaluation based on Environmental values ​​takes into account the company’s direct impact on the environment, Social values ​​take into account the social impact, while Governance values ​​refer to the ethical principles that guide company management.

Sustainability Waves therefore also aims to share those ethical principles and innovations that contribute to making companies eco-friendly, so that they can encourage the dissemination of preventive measures to combat pollution and the consequent climate change in many other companies.

What were the findings of the report, then?

Sustainability Waves data

  • Regarding the first of the three ESG criteria, the report highlighted how over 77% of companies have activated environmental protection programs, while 55% already have enabling technologies for reducing their environmental impact.
  • From a social point of view, 60% of companies are governed by a board with a female majority and 59% have a number of female employees equal to or greater than half the number of total employees. Furthermore, about 1/3 of the companies has established an internal code of ethics, while 63% support charitable and non-profit organizations and 72% have activated welfare programs for employees.
  • Finally, for the Governance criterion, it is found that 53% of companies have activated a privacy policy to protect employees and collaborators and 33% have supported cybersecurity initiatives. 21% have implemented procedures and policies for health and employee safety in addition to the standard provisions and 16% have activated internal anti-corruption policies.

If you want to consult the complete report in depth, to find out more about the companies that promote sustainability the most, you can download the pdf directly from the Cariplo Factory website.

If, on the other hand, you want to find out how Brochesia’s Augmented Reality can help innovate and make your company more sustainable, you can contact us and we will explore our solutions together, also providing you with a free trial period.

Rimani aggiornato sulle novità Brochesia

* Campi obbligatori