15 September 2023

Zero Emissions Day 2023

Zero Emissions Day

On September 21, 2008, activist Ken Wallace called on everyone in the world to use no fossil fuel-derived energy for 24 hours. Every year since then, World Zero Emissions Day has been celebrated, where people are asked to use only sustainable solutions for an entire day in order to safeguard our planet.

According to the report “CO2 Emissions in 2022,” although emissions in 2022 increased less than the 6 percent jump of 2021, greenhouse gas emissions still appear to be an insurmountable problem that can only be solved by a rapid transition to green energy.

Greenhouse gas emissions can have very serious consequences for our planet

The accumulation of CO2 in the atmosphere is a major contributor to global warming and climate change. These phenomena lead to the subsequent melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events, such as drought or altered precipitation patterns, which have direct impacts on agricultural productivity and world hunger. Not to mention that emissions from non-renewable energy use not only threaten the biodiversity of so many species, but also impact terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

What can we personally do to reduce emissions?

On a daily basis, each of us can contribute through simple steps:

  • Using sustainable means of transportation and when possible moving by foot or bicycle;
  • Using energy-efficient appliances;
  • By using eco-friendly products and sorting our waste;
  • Choosing energy providers that offer renewable options.

According to 2021 figures, World Zero Emissions Day would help relieve the planet of 90 million tons of CO2, bringing important benefits.

There are many initiatives taking place around the world each year.
On the occasion of last year’s World Zero Emissions Day, for example, the nonprofit organization “Yourban” had murals made in Aielli (in Abruzzo) and New York City using special photocatalytic paints capable of zeroing out pollutants in the air.

Through Brochesia’s solutions for Smart Glasses, smartphones and tablets, in addition to meeting work challenges with a new outlook, you can share your field of vision and expertise even if you don’t travel directly to the site, thus reducing costs and travel-related CO2 and helping the planet!

Contact us for more information and to try our solutions for free.


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