24 January 2023

Smart Communities beyond technological innovation

Smart communities

Smart City are now a reality, we have already talked about them in this article.

We have highlighted the potential of technological innovation combined with a more sustainable management of the environment and society.

A city is smart not just when it is equipped with cutting-edge technologies, but when it approaches in a “smart” way its different dimensions.

In a Smart City project the goal is to combine technological and social aspects, aimed at improving the services for the citizens and their lives.

We must also take into account the impact on the environment.

Cities today still represent about 75% of carbon dioxide emissions, and are inhabited by 55% of the world’s population.

So if in the past designing Smart Cities meant creating new hyper-technological cities or massively introducing digital and innovative technologies into existing urban services, now they become a tool to fight climate change.

This does not mean that an intelligent community cannot be clearly identified, but rather that borders are more variable.

Smart Communities are understood as a collection of citizens who share needs, possibilities and services.

Unlike Smart Cities, smart communities are more fluid and dynamic and become an optimal context for the development of social innovation, with the aim of improving the quality of life of citizens.

Smart Communities define new models of territorial development, which exploit digitization and technology, but start from the citizen and his needs, which translate into new models of sustainable economy, conscious management of natural resources and with the active involvement of citizens in the development of their city.

Our Augmented Reality solutions can actively contribute to this transformation process, with the goal of increasingly sustainable collaboration.


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