Tag Archives: monocular smart glasses

techabulary monocular binocular

Techabulary #5 – Monocular & Binocular

Anyone who has read the previous Techabulary about the concept of “ocular dominance” already knows and how important it is to have this aspect in mind when wearing monocular smart glasses. In the smart glasses market, however, there is another category of augmented reality devices: the binocular smart glasses. How do these two types of […]

ocular dominance

Techabulary #3 – Ocular dominance

As you may already know, smart glasses can be monoculars and binoculars. They are two different approaches to the same technology, each with unique advantages depending on the field of application and the preferences of the person wearing the device. Before wearing a monocular smart glasses it is necessary to make some adjustments so that […]