Category Archives: Blog

Google Glass

Google has stopped selling Google Glass

Google Glass has been a popular talking point since its launch in 2013. During those years, wearable technology promised to revolutionize the way businesses operated, providing hands-free access to critical information and improving efficiency. In fact, the possibilities offered by this type of device and by Augmented Reality are constantly expanding. However, as of March […]

Chat GPT

Chat GPT: how communication will change

These days we have heard a lot about Chat GPT and not only in trade magazines, but really everywhere, including social networks. Why all the fuss? For years the theme of artificial intelligence and its potential has been a subject of interest and several questions have been asked about the real advantages and its limits, […]

denkmal 2022

Brochesia and the Lazio Region win gold medal at denkmal 2022

From 24 to 26 November we participated, together with the selected companies from the Lazio Region, in denkmal 2022, the most important European fair for the preservation, restoration and renovation of historic buildings and monumental artistic heritage. This was certainly an exciting experience, which culminated on Saturday 26 with the presentation of the gold medal […]


What is downtime and how much does it cost

Downtime is the latch of equipment, systems, production lines in companies not programmed or otherwise unexpected. About 82% of companies have suffered at least one unplanned inactivity incident in the last three years. Most have suffered two or more. The events that can cause it are different: Hardware failure/malfunction Software or firmware failure/malfunction Poor or […]

hearth surgery

Heart surgery with Smart Glasses

The first heart surgery in Augmented Reality with Smart Glasses was held in Italy on June 26, precisely at the Humanitas-Gavazzeni Hospital in Bergamo. The director of the Department of Robotic Cardiosurgery Alfonso Agnino, who performed a heart-pounding coronary bypass, was remotely connected with Prof. Wouter Oosterlink, who was in his study at the University […]

Augmented Reality

Future perspectives of Augmented Reality VS Virtual Reality

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have existed for many years, and we’ve all heard about them at least once.Thanks to science fiction, films or video games, we have an idea of how these technologies can “interact” with reality. However, there is still much confusion between the two, considering them to be synonymous. Nothing could be […]

earth world day

5 Things to do daily to protect our planet

Each of us can make a difference every day to promote environmental sustainability and protect our planet. Have you ever thought about how simple it really is? Here are some practical tips to follow: USE LESS WATER Water is a precious commodity and it means life for us and our planet, but it is not […]

Giornata mondiale salute


World Health Day is celebrated every year on the occasion of the founding of the WHO on 7 April 1948. But access to fair treatment, disease prevention policies and mental health support are unfortunately still a mirage for most of the world’s population. Covid-19 pandemic highlighted even more these inequalities regarding access to quality health […]